Counselling Services

I offer professional counselling services to our clients,I believe we are capable of achieving our best lives,by having the right state of mind regardlessof what is going on in our lives.
I have categorized my online counselling services into categories that i specialize in. You can start here to see where I can be of the most help to you. 

1:1 Virtual Therapy

When you choose FREEDOM, you learn that feelings are very temporary and unreliable. Behavior though, and curious investigation of thoughts, that’s what brings change.


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is one of the most effective therapy techniques to fight depression, anxiety, and addiction. PS: it’s one of the techniques in my practice Pink Amazon Therapy.

The major focus is not on fixing feelings. Feelings are validated in a therapy session. Because how we feel is affected by so many components in the equation. ( Experiences, temperaments, intervention, and general wellness).

virtual therapy sessions nairobi

Therapy is a vigorous process of addressing not just behavior but being clued in as to why we behave the way we do. The two other models of therapy I commonly apply at Pink amazon Therapy are Internal Family Systems a great approach to addressing different aspects of your personality and why you may respond in the way you do, as well we dive into healing the inner child because that may have been where it all begun. 

But where the power lies, is in how much we allow ourselves to take a second and third look at our thoughts. And choosing positive behavior in spite of our feelings.

Most people I know grew up in dysfunctional homes. In one way or the other, it’s important to note, that adults barely knew what they were doing either but they were good at play-acting that they were clued in.  


But now that we have access to information on how to do better, there is no excuse to keep the cycle of dysfunction going. I know it’s a little bit of pressure, but you got this.


First things first let’s answer a few questions. 

Do you believe that it could be possible to have a respectful, goal-oriented, loving, adventurous relationship? 

Do you believe that your partner could be your healing and thriving partner? 

Do you believe in the possibility of being a safe space, neigh, the safest space for you and your partner? 

Do you believe that even though so far the evidence may be against you as a partnership, the future can be very bright for you as a team? 

If you answered a bold yes to these questions, then this will be the best decision you have made yet. 


The program, Couple’s Therapy winning as a team is an amazing venture to get into with your significant other. It is curated to help both of you understand each other better, it is built with the idea that our personalities, temperaments, values, and upbringing play a huge role in being a healthy team. 

Once you make a commitment to the program, you will receive a workbook to use over the next few weeks of your sessions. 

Together you will be issued with personality tests, love language tests, and ACEs Scorecard to help you start having more insight into the inner working of your and your partner’s mind. 

The goal of these sessions is to bring you two closer together in order to handle challenges that life will inevitably throw at you as a team. 

Couple’s Counselling is a very effective tool to apply in your relationship. If you think about it, we invest over 16 years of formal education in order to be experienced in our careers and at least four of those years are spent equipping you to thrive in your employment or entrepreneurship journey. Couple’s Counselling is essentially the same concept. A formalized and mildly informal approach to getting both of you ready to make a bigger commitment or two equip those of you who have already made the long-term commitment. 

Can you make a pledge for me though? 

Please open yourself up to the possibility of a significant shift.

Also, maintain each other’s confidentiality. 

You are a team and unless you both win, you both lose.

Being committed to one person is an interesting journey. 

The choice to be together at the beginning is brave, but I believe what is an even braver choice is choosing to stick through thick and thin when you already know what you have gotten yourself into.

The price is KES 3000 per couple per session.

A combination of behavior therapy, and Gottman therapy from a licensed counselor. 

A minimum of 5 sessions to work through 

  1. Attachment styles 
  2. Translating love languages 
  3. Communication skills 
  4. Personalized conflict resolution
  5. Healing and Rebuilding trust 
  6. Learning to speak to each other’s inner child. 


 🆓🆓🆓🆓 RESOURCES ( As a bonus) 

* Workbooks 

* Take home exercises

* Personality and Attachment style tests


A breakup comes with so many emotions. Most of them are secondary to the original loss felt after losing someone you held dear. 

There’s guilt, grief, anger, sadness, anxiety and so much more  (they are motivators to get you to survive the change that you are experiencing.

But often we do not address the issues that rise up after we have left the situation. 

It’s crazy that looking into the mirror we cannot really identify with who we have become.

We are more jaded, probably also anxious, and less trusting of other human beings.


The goal of the next eight weeks is to give you some more insight into finding out the best version you can become with all the lessons you have learned so far. 

Do you need to re-organize your strategy of picking a partner?

Maybe you need to untether yourself from the trauma and be open to love again.

What unhealthy patterns are you going to let go of to improve your chances of receiving healthy love?

We acknowledge the fact that we cannot return to default settings, not going back to factory settings but understanding that we have learned some things we may not fully unlearn. But how can we be a better version of ourselves with what we have learned?

This program is the best palette cleanser. 

How do you know if this program is for you? 

  1. Some little reflection has left you aware that you have been wounded by your past romantic attachments. 
  2. You find yourself quickly attaching to people who in hindsight you know are not good for you.
  3. You don’t have a clear guideline for picking a partner.
  4. You feel unequipped when it comes to relationships. How to be in them? Who to be in them? 
  5. You have found yourself waiting on your previous partner or partners to make the decisions on whether or not you should be in a relationship. 
  6. You have never really been yourself fully in relationships.