About Pink Amazon Therapy

About Me

I am Mukimba, a passionate professional therapist with close to a decade worth of training and experience.

Helping hand in mental health therapy
online therapy sessions kenya
pink amazon therapy about us

I’m the founder and counseling psychologist behind Pink Amazon Therapy; a wellness organisation dedicated to helping people achieve their best lives through Counseling and Mental Health Education.

I am a licensed counseling psychologist, a practicing counselor, a trained transitional coach for Young Adults, as well as aMental Health Educator.

Founder of Pink Amazon Therapy, based in Nairobi,Kenya. I have been working in
private practice offering counselling psychological services and mental health education for the
better part of the last half a decade. Primarily with young adults ( ages 13-20) and women (ages 18-45).
I specialize in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.

I also facilitate training and keynotes based on topics pertaining.
1. Mental Health Excellence in the workspace
2. Mental Health Excellence in Young adults.
3.Equipping support systems on creating Mental Health Excellence.
4.Emotion Processing and Resilience training.
5.Conflict and Conflict Resolution.
And specialised curated programs for specific institution

Our Recent Work

I believe their is greatness is every individual,and i am passionate about helping my clients unlock that helping them live their lives in excellence. This are some of my engagements that i have participated in below.

young adults training

Young Adults Training

Young adults training session during the last holiday period,at CITAM Karen church. 

Building Resilience During Exams

Exams come with alot of anxiety build up,I have programs that help bring peace, and facilitate perfomance.

training session with young adults

My passion is mental health,apart from my counselling services,I also provide videos on my youtube channel about interesting topics in mental health. Some of which i'm sure have crossed your mind one time or another. Have a look at them.