
First of all, before we set off on setting powerful goals, I would like to confess I am not the biggest fan of the New Year New me fad. Neither do I like the limitation of dreams and goals to a one-year life span.

As a Mental Health professional, I know it puts unnecessary pressure on people with highly anxious personalities. I know it depresses a lot of people especially when everyone else is listing their accomplishments over the last 365 days and tunnel vision can stop some from seeing how great progress they have made.

And frankly, really? Not all goals can be given a short time limit of 365 days. Also, how effective can these goals be if they are so quick to be checked off?
The risk of missing out on so many things in life trying to get to destinations, not being concerned how we got there, how long we intend on staying there just to show off to a very cold world that we won.

What did we win?

Anyway all ranting aside about New Year, I am a big planner I have always been obsessed with writing every idea down and over time I have cultivated better practices and a more organized thought process.

Without being carried away by masses and the intensity of everybody doing it, I set aside not just to plan for my future, but I researched how I should do it… Seeking information that felt sound to me and disregarding a lot of crap that I just didn\’t agree with.

And as for this blog, it\’s currently my opinion. Sound as I think it is, I feel that like any other opinion, take what works for you.

I set up my goals, and I have achieved certain things and continue to pursue so many others.

Here is what I have learnt ;

1. I set my standards first before I list down what I want to achieve. As a Christian, this standard is purely set on God. His purpose for my life, which I had to seek out separately and if what I want is in line with His will. Is it Godly? Is it Faith-filled? Is it Moral or Legal?


2. Pre- negotiate the sacrifices – everything worth having will require some major sacrifice. What are you willing to give up for the goals you want to crush?
Is it your love for everything sweet, is it finances you have to spend, is it time, is it friends, is it people\’s opinion? You cannot have your cake and eat it too, so some things will have to go or take a step back in pursuit of your goals.

3. The best time to start a project to conquer your goals is now. The whole New Year fad has way too much stock on it. I feel that whenever you feel pressed to do something in your bones. Start exactly then… However many days off New Year it might be.

4. Learn to set more lifestyle, longevity goals. We get so carried away when we see someone lose all these weight and then they gain it back. Or they get married before thirty only to get divorced etc. The goals should be more centred on permanent consistent changes.

I share some tips on how to do this. click here

5. Forget the perfect start. Do even the bare minimum to get started. If it\’s diet, eliminate the smallest item from your diet. If it\’s a business, find out the basics. Start exactly where you are, as you figure out each of the next steps.

6. Keep progressing. Remember some steps may feel big, some may feel so minor but remember that especially for the small steps, give yourself a pat on the back. Because those small steps are just as important. If you want constant positive content and quotes to keep you going. Click here


7. Competition will steal not just your joy but it can take away your whole dream. Just because the journey seems slightly similar to yours, never abandon your plan to start focusing on someone else\’s. It will steal your zeal to keep going, distract you from opportunity and definitely finally you will lose the goal you had so much excitement for.

8. Choose channeling Vs comparison . I take time to pick out people who I feel inspire me 


 even people we started the journey with and I use them as fuel. Channelling that if that could happen for them then it will happen for me. I also look to people whose progress I have watched and as I marvel I take time to pick and choose what works and what may not work for me. Channelling their energy instead of being bombarded with comparison and jealousy.

9. It has been repeated so often but some clichés stand true. When it comes to goal setting and goal crushing, CONSISTENCY IS KING. Keep at it because as long as you are being fuelled by passion and hunger to kick butt, you cannot quit, You can adjust, learn lessons along the way, but keep at it.

10. Eliminate the 365 days limit. Today\’s society has no patience, they are always doing things and getting instant results. But lifestyles, empires, solid foundations ( which should be what you are targeting in your goal setting and goal crushing), need time. So set some milestones to show you progress, but stick to goal setting that will develop and not always just form from short term effort. Encourage continuity. In that plans are not just thrown out when the 365-day mark hits. 

11. Make space for miracles, breakthroughs and unexpected favour. Yes, we have intellectualized the goal setting and goal crushing process, but there is space for miracles, for unexpected, in my experience, not everything will go exactly according to plan but some really amazing surprises can come very unexpectedly.



You can also contact us to help you come up goal setting strategies if you\’re having a hard time. Also, comment let us know the fun goals that you have set in the comment section.

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